Finally, there is a facial plastic surgery nonsurgical skin tightening device in Columbus, Ohio that really works for the neck! FaceTite is state of the art technology which causes tissue contraction and tightening without surgery. FaceTite has been used in years in Europe and Canada as a viable way of tightening the skin using this minimally invasive technology.
We see our facial plastic surgery patients take one of two very distinct paths when it comes to facial plastic surgery in Columbus, Ohio. One path is facial plastic surgery. While surgery generally produces the most dramatic and long-lasting results, there is significant recovery time involved. Some plastic surgery patients just do not want to have actual surgey. With advancements in modern medicine and technology, facial plastic surgery in Columbus, Ohio has come a long way. Facetite is one example of a minimally invasive procedure that produces results with minimal downtime. Dr. Stephen Nogan believes FaceTite is a game changer for the management of neck skin laxity and jowls. A small cannula is passed beneath the skin and the device applicator pinches the skin between the device and cannula. Radiofrequency energy heats the collagen matrix and produces skin contraction. The results are a tighter jowl and neck area.
There are a number of non-invasive plastic surgery procedures that also produce results with no downtime. The results are not as dramatic as FaceTite, but most patients notice a nice change with procedures like Ultherapy. The best plastic surgery results begin with a consultation with Dr. Stephen Nogan to determine what your comfort level is and what your expectations are. Together you can determine if FaceTite is right for you.
Number of Treatments
1 treatment
Treatment Areas
Neck, Jowls
Treatment Time
1.5 hours
Recovery Time
2-3 days
For Your Comfort
PRO-NOX can be used during your FaceTite procedure.
The PRO-NOX Nitrous Oxide Delivery System empowers patients to safely control their own pain relief. This system is proven to help manage anxiety and pain during medical procedures.
The PRO-NOX system is a mixture of Nitrous Analgesia and Oxygen which enables patients to self administer through a breathing device that has a valve attached. The medication is only delivered when you need it by simply pressing the valve and breathing it in. There are no long lasting effects. The medication leaves your body within minutes. No discomfort, no downtime, and no stressing about finding some to bring you to your appointment.
Potential Side Effects
During the treatment, some patients experience mild discomfort that can be addressed with prescriptive medication however most patients are fine with only the local anesthetic. Mild bruising may occur. Patients should expect swelling for several days.
Results vary; however, there is some immediate visible tightening. Maximum improvement may take 3-4 months.
The procedure is often done under local anesthesia with minimal discomfort and incisions. Patients can return to normal activity in just a few days and results can last for years.
Additional Recovery Information
Facetite Post Care Instructions
FACEtite Treatment areas may have Dressings and/or a pressure garment to be removed in 48 hours.
You will have a few very small incision sites. Let soapy water wash over the incision sites (do not scrub) then apply antibiotic ointment to the incision points twice daily for one week while the skin is healing after initially removing any bandages. Tiny scabs may appear during the healing process. Please do not pick at the scabs.
Cleanse the treated areas gently with mild soap and water after 48 hours. Avoid drying or irritating facial products including Retinol and acids (Salicylic, Glycolic, etc.) for 3 weeks after the procedure. Do not rub or irritate the area.
Although these effects are rare and temporary, redness and swelling may last up to 3 weeks and are a part of a normal reaction to the treatment. Bruises occur in some people and last 1 to 2 weeks and are a normal reaction to the treatment. Some patients report a burning sensation, tingling or a tightening sensation in the treatment area for up to 3 months.
Limit physical activity and exposure to excessive heat (including fires) and UV light for 2 wks.
Sleep on several pillows or in a recliner to keep your head elevated for at least two to three days to help minimize swelling. Minimize talking and chewing for 48 hours. We recommend following a soft diet immediately after the procedure. Advance as tolerated.
Make-up may be applied as soon as 72 hours after the procedure to cover any redness or bruising. Avoid the incision points that may still be healing.