Fat Transfer & Fat Injection

Natural Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Transfer in Columbus: Restore Youthful Fullness


As we age, we begin to lose fat in our face, particularly around our eyes, cheeks, temples, and mouth. This contributes to the deflated, tired look we associate with aging. If you have experienced such a volume loss, you may be a candidate for a fat transfer procedure. Fat transfer surgery helps restore the rounder, fuller look of youth.

Areas of Improvement: Cheeks, chin, forehead, lips
Results will last: Many of the transferred fat cells will survive to provide permanent enhancement. Most patients report food results for 2-2.5 years.
Recovery Time: 7-10 days
Recovery Process: Patients experience very little bruising and discomfort. Oral medication and bruise cream are often used to alleviate any minor bruising. Temporary swelling in your face is expected, but the amount of swelling depends on the amount of fat injected.

Why have a fat transfer or fat injection?

  • Your cheeks or temples have lost volume
  • The area under your eyes has sunken
  • Your chin or jawline needs some padding
  • The area between your eyebrows is indented with vertical worry lines
  • Your forehead has deep horizontal furrows
  • You want to add volume to your lips

In most cases, the fat is used to restore volume loss to your face. Of course, fat transfers and fat injections can also be performed on other areas of your body to restore normal contours, for example after trauma or injury. Transferred fat is more likely to survive as a permanent enhancement in healthy, non-smoking patients who are younger than 65 years of age.

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Fat Transfer & Fat Injection Procedure in Columbus, Ohio

Fat transfer surgery can be done with patients either awake but sedated or under a deeper twilight sleep. In this two-step process, fat is first removed from an area of your body that has excess, such as your abdomen or thighs. During the same fat transfer procedure, the harvested fat is then re-injected into another area of your body that needs it. As with liposuction, fat is removed with a small suction tube or cannula. Extreme care is taken not to traumatize these fat cells so they are more likely to survive when re-injected. A micro-cannula (the size of a pencil lead) is used to transfer the fat to the desired site.

Current fat transfer techniques involve harvesting small parcels of fat by using smaller and less traumatic suction tubes. Smaller fat parcels are more likely to survive when re-injected into the body.

Fat Transfer & Fat Injection Post-Op Results

Results after a fat transfer are immediate, although some settling of the fat will occur, so your final result may not be evident for 3 to 4 months. Most patients look quite normal and return to work within 7 to 10 days.

In most cases, patients experience very little bruising and discomfort. Oral medication and bruise cream are often used to alleviate any minor bruising, which usually resolves within 5 to 7 days. Temporary swelling in your face is expected, but the amount of swelling depends on the amount of fat injected. Steroid medication can be used after the surgery to decrease swelling. Normally, swelling from a fat transfer and fat injection resolves completely within several weeks, but it can persist for as long as two months.

With the current technique of micro-fat transfer, we expect the majority of the re-injected fat to survive and create a permanent enhancement. Some fat will not survive; the fat cells need an adequate blood supply in their new location. During your initial procedure, therefore, more than the needed amount of fat is usually injected to slightly overfill the area, expecting that some of the initial correction will be reabsorbed by your body. Occasionally, a second fat transfer procedure is necessary if more than the expected amount of fat does not survive. This can be done as early as 6 months after the initial procedure.

How much is a Fat Transfer in Columbus, Ohio?

The total fees for a fat transfer in Columbus, Ohio will vary based on the type of anesthesia. Patients should expect to budget between $4500-$6800. An exact quote will be given upon consultation and examination.


The Columbus Facial Plastics Difference

We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals. We are not here to simply sell you a new product or service. Our prescriptive skin care approach provides you with a highly-customized solution that meet your specific needs. Board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Stephen Nogan will evaluate you, listen to your concerns and guide you to the optimal treatment regimen. Our Director of Skin Care will serve as your personal concierge throughout the process to answer your questions, address your concerns, and teach you how to properly care for your skin.

The specific risk and possible complications as they relate to an fat transfer will be discussed at your initial consultation.