Lower Facelift

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity—thinning, sagging, and becoming lax in ways we never dreamed. Heredity, personal habits, gravitational affects, and sun exposure all play a role. Nowhere are these aging changes more evident than in our face and neck.

Why have a lower facelift?

A lower rhytidectomy, or facelift, can give your face a more youthful look and in the process, boost your self-esteem. The lower facelift generally addresses the area of your face from your upper lip to your lower neck. Dr. Stephen Nogan’s goals in performing lower facelift surgery are three-fold:

  1. First and foremost is your safety.
  2. To achieve the very best possible results for you, and
  3. To get you back to your normal life as quickly as possible.


Dr. Nogan customizes the procedure for you, based on the specific desires you expressed in your facelift consultation. Generally, the muscle layer and fatty tissue are suspended. These layers act like suspenders under the skin. The skin is then elevated and the excess removed in such a way to give you a natural, not stretched or pulled appearance which will last for eight to ten years. Depending on your needs, the surgery can take from two to four hours.

Post-Op Results

A lower facelift lifts and tightens skin, muscle, and soft tissue, resulting in a younger appearance. The procedure can provide long-lasting improvements in four areas: the nasolabial fold (the crease between the cheek and upper lip), the marionette lines (the crease just below the corners of the mouth), the jowl (sagging along the jaw line), and the neck (down to the Adam’s apple).

Additional Information

  • Procedure Details
  • Facelift FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • The Facelift Consultation
  • Different Types of Facelifts

Associated Procedures

  • Mid-Facelift—for a more youthful, heart-shaped face
  • Mini Facelift—subtle enhancement of the lower face and jawline
  • Weekend Facelift—revolutionary advancement or disproven technique?
  • Submental Liposuction—to remove fatty tissue underneath the chin
  • Platysma Plication—to repair the platysma muscles of the neck