
We believe that every good surgical and non-invasive outcome begins and ends at home. This is done through strengthening your skin and making it as healthy as possible. At Columbus Facial Plastics we sell only medical grade home skin health products that are clinically proven to make a difference in your skin.

Number of Treatments

On-going to achieve and maintain results

Treatment Areas

Face, neck, chest

Treatment Time

Morning and night

Recovery Time

Based on product combination

Potential Side Effects

Every product line has it’s own potential side effects. Most common are flaking, redness and mild irritation while your skin is adjusting to the products.



Our experts will work with you to determine which combination of products will help achieve your best skin health. If you have concerns with dark pigmentation or fine lines and wrinkles, tone or texture, our experts will customize a winning combination to help achieve a more youthful looking and feeling skin. Why would you purchase products at a drug store or a department store when you can purchase products from the professionals?

Before → After