
Microdermabrasion in Columbus, Ohio is a skin rejuvenation technology that has been around for many years.  Our Columbus Facial Plastics team uses the innovative DiamondTome technology which produces superior results. Each DiamondTome microdermabrasion wand contains thousands of tiny diamonds which are used to exfoliate the skin. Resurfacing occurs as the wand is drawn across the skin. This skin resurfacing microdermabrasion system achieves skin rejuvenation without the adverse effects of loose particles that can cause burning, irritation, and skin reactions. Powerful suction works simultaneously to complete the treatment.  Even at its highest setting, DiamondTome Microdermabrasion is regarded as a gentler skin resurfacing system. It provides more dramatic results than other skin care systems.

Number of Treatments

3-6 treatments recommended

Treatment Areas

Face, Neck, Décolletage, Chest, Arms, Hands

Treatment Time

30 minutes – 1 hour

Recovery Time

No downtime for a standard Microdermabrasion treatment

Potential Side Effects

In most cases, patients are able to return to normal activities immediately following a Microdermabrasion

Lasting Effects

Weeks to months depending on the number of treatments

How much is Microdermabrasion in Columbus, Ohio?



Microdermabrasion improves wrinkles, skin texture, and color by removing the topmost layer of your skin. Skin resurfacing also stimulates the elastic tissue beneath the surface of the skin, resulting in a healthier and firmer appearance. The DiamondTome Microdermabrasion Skin Resurfacing treatment is non-invasive, pain-free, and typically requires little downtime after treatment.

Microdermabrasion can be paired with Facials, Chemical Peels and other treatments in order to enhance skin health. It is often used as an add-on treatment to help boost skin health results.

What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is skin resurfacing which will reduce the effects of aging on your skin. Years of sun exposure and the aging process take their toll on the skin, creating lines, wrinkles and changes in texture and color. Not only is the face affected, but the neck, chest and cleavage can also show signs of aging. Microdermabrasion can be beneficial for the resurfacing of skin. The equipment used in a medical office is different from that which is used in a salon. At Columbus Facial Plastics, we have specific microdermabrasion technology which is equipped with powerful suction that aids in your resurfacing results.

Is microdermabrasion a safe procedure?

Microdermabrasion performed at Columbus Facial Plastics is a safe and therapeutic procedure. All skin care services provided at Columbus Facial Plastics are done so under the recommendation and supervision of Dr. Stephen Nogan. If Dr. Nogan does not think you are a candidate for this procedure, he will suggest other treatment options.

Is there any downtime?

In most cases, patients can return to normal activities immediately following a microdermabrasion treatment. Oftentimes, patients even choose to have their Microdermabrasion during their lunch hour. If a deeper Microdermabrasion treatment is needed for acne scarring or deep facial scarring, there may be downtime for the skin to heal. This type of Microdermabrasion needed to achieve your best results will be discussed during your consultation.

How can skin care products help me?

Medical-grade skin care products, help to improve your skin’s appearance and to rejuvenate healthy skin cells. It is important to use a regimen that is right for your skin type and lifestyle. We will help you define that regimen as part of your skin care consultation and treatment plan.


The Columbus Facial Plastics Difference:

We focus on the science of skin care. As a team, we value education and are constantly learning. Dr. Stephen Nogan actively participates in all treatment plans for new patients. With so many options available today, it is important to trust your face to a board certified facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Nogan and team work together to develop individual treatment plans that will address your concerns and meet your expectations. We use VISIA Skin Analysis to measure treatment results because skin care should not be subjective. We will help you feel confident that you are receiving the correct treatment and products to achieve your healthiest skin.

Schedule Your Consultation:

Interested in learning more about your options for a renewed complexion? Contact us today at Columbus Facial Plastics to schedule a consultation! 614-436-8888