The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has started and will soon be in full swing. Between hunting down the best deals, cookie decorating, present wrapping, being my kids taxi, Christmas parties, oh and a full time job, I find little time (or energy) to work out. Consequently I’m beginning to resemble the man with the 12 reindeer. I have discovered an amazing treatment at the Sullivan Centre, Dual CoolSculpting, and an answer to my prayers. They have two fat busting CoolSculpting machines which means two areas of unwanted fat can be treated at the same time. Treatments that used to take two hours will now only have you tied up for one hour. Some areas can even be done in 35 minutes.
CoolSculpting is not a weight loss program or an alternative to diet and exercise.
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive way to contour your body. It is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure and FDA-cleared, safe and effective. Dual CoolSculpting can however get you motivated to spend that extra time on yourself every day to exercise and eat right. The CoolSculpting procedure uses controlled cooling to target and kill only fat cells. The body will naturally process the dead fat cells during the next three months. During your treatment a gel pad and applicator will be placed on the treatment site. The applicator feels like a vacuum and draws up the skin, you will feel a tug and pull and a cold sensation for about 10 minutes until the skin goes numb. You can read, check your email, nap or watch Netflix during your treatment. So take a break from the holiday panic and relax at The Sullivan Centre while you improve your body shape in just minutes. You will get your body ready for your spring break vacation…because you know us women are good at planning ahead.
Dual CoolSculpting is a great item to add to your Christmas “wish list” …no matter if you have been naughty or nice.