There are two types of plastic surgery patients. The first, is those who know that they just want to be “one and done” with plastic surgery. These patients opt for the plastic surgery procedure that will last the longest and give them the best results. They are not concerned with anesthesia or downtime. They just know they want to fit into their clothing choices thanks to liposuction, enhance their features with a nose job or breast augmentation, or “freshen up” their look with a face lift in Columbus Ohio.
The second type of plastic surgery patients are those who “go slow with the flow”. These are potential plastic surgery patients who do not want general anesthesia and who are limited on downtime. They would rather do a succession of non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic procedures that can be spaced apart versus having to take extra time out of their busy life to recover from plastic surgery. These patients are suitable candidates for cosmetic fillers, CoolSculpt for body contouring, microdermabrasion to rejuvenate the skin, and the like.
Is one plastic surgery patient better than the other? Absolutely not. It’s all about the comfort level that YOU as a potential patient have. You know your body, life and commitments better than we ever will!
At Sullivan Centre in Columbus Ohio we have a “toolbox” full of options for our cosmetic surgery patients that range from non-invasive to invasive. It’s our job to educate patients, present the facts, listen to what it is YOU are comfortable with and empower you to make the best surgical decision for YOU.