
What You Should Know About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, otherwise known as a nose job or nose-shaping surgery, was first documented in 1887. However, humans have been shaping and reshaping their noses long before that.

Historical evidence suggests that nasal reconstruction surgery first took place in India in 600 BC! Luckily, nasal reconstruction surgery has evolved since then to one of the most commonly performed surgeries today.

If you’ve ever considered getting a nose job, here are five things you should know about rhinoplasty.

A Consultation Is Critical Before Nose-Shaping Surgery

Just like with any other type of cosmetic procedure, you want to carefully plan your rhinoplasty.

Meeting with a member of our team at Columbus Facial Plastics for a consultation is the first important step in rhinoplasty.

The consultation helps us understand your cosmetic and treatment goals and plan accordingly. During the consultation, we will likely use computer imaging technology to generate a simulation of how your nose will look after surgery.

For you, the patient, the consultation is critical because it helps you feel comfortable with our team and our plan. Rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated plastic surgery procedures performed, so you want a surgeon like Dr. Stephen Nogan at Columbia Facial Plastics with training, experience, and expertise.

During your consultation, don’t be afraid to ask for before-and-after examples of past procedures, as well as examples of procedures similar to what you want.

Rhinoplasty Is More than Just a Cosmetic Procedure

Many people think rhinoplasty is just for changing the shape of the nose for the sake of appearances. But there are actually major medical benefits to rhinoplasty for certain patients.

Many patients every year get rhinoplasty to help correct structural problems in their noses in order to improve overall function. For example, a patient may receive rhinoplasty to help reposition parts of their nasal cavity to improve breathing.

Deviated Septums and Septoplasty

Septoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty procedure that corrects a deviated septum. A deviated septum is when the wall separating the nasal passages is crooked. This makes the nasal passages uneven and interferes with breathing.

Following are some common signs of deviated septums that may require a septoplasty.


Patients with deviated septums often experience the surface of their nasal septums becoming dry. This increases the risk of nosebleeds.

Facial Pain

If you have one-sided facial pain, it’s possible the cause is a severe deviated septum.

Nostril Obstruction

If you have trouble breathing through one or both nostrils, you could have an obstruction caused by a deviated septum.

Noisy Breathing

When your septum is deviated and the tissues in your nose are swollen, your breathing may be noisy, especially at night.

It’s important to note that in some cases, patients with deviated septums don’t have any symptoms. If you have frequent nosebleeds or recurring sinus infections, it’s wise to see a doctor just to be safe.

There Are Different Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty nose-shaping surgery is divided into two main categories: open nasal surgery and closed nasal surgery.

These refer to where the incisions are placed during rhinoplasty surgery.

Open Nasal Surgery

During open nasal surgery, the incision is made across the divider between the nostrils. Dr. Nogan will then lift the top of the nose in order to have full access to the inner nasal cavity. This gives access to begin the reshaping process.

Afterward, the incision is stitched up and is generally barely visible.

Closed Nasal Surgery

During a closed nose job, no incisions are made outside the nose. This means there will be no residual scarring on the exterior as a result. Dr. Nogan will do all of the work inside the nasal cavity.

Initially, closed nasal surgery may sound appealing. However, there’s a reason open nasal surgery is sometimes recommended.

Closed nasal surgery can limit the changes we are able to make to the nose. So ultimately, whether you will receive closed or open nasal surgery will largely depend on the results you want and the best way we will be able to achieve them.

Rhinoplasty Is Customizable

Everyone’s face is different, which means there’s no standard nose shape that will be universally flattering for all patients.

The goal of rhinoplasty is to sculpt a nose that both functions well and looks balanced with your other facial features.

At your consultation, we will consider your needs and desires, but we will also consider your facial proportions to ensure your new nose is a shape and size that works for your face.

Prepare for Your Recovery

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, but you should still plan for your recovery.

Most patients need to avoid strenuous activities for between six to eight weeks after surgery. This gives your nasal bones time to heal and settle.

However, it can take a full year for your nose to heal completely. This is similar to recovery from many other medical procedures. Although you can return to your daily life and resume activities after a week or two, it takes your body a while to fully recover.

We will give you detailed aftercare instructions after your procedure. But for those first few days after surgery, you should expect to take time off work and ask friends and family to help you out while you recover.

Looking for Rhinoplasty in Columbus, OH?

To learn more about rhinoplasty and to schedule a consultation, contact the team of facial surgery experts at Columbus Facial Plastics.

Our surgeon, Dr. Stephen Nogan, is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with many years of experience in bringing the best possible care and results to our patients.

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