CO2 and Erbium Laser

Advanced CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing in Columbus: Transformative Rejuvenation for Aging and Sun-Damaged Skin


Have you begun to notice the impact of aging and sun damage on your skin? Have you tried expensive skin care products and “no down time” skin treatments with limited results? If you are in the Columbus area, CO2 laser resurfacing at Columbus Facial Plastics could be the right treatment for you.

CO2 laser resurfacing can have the following benefits for your skin:

  • Improvement in skin texture and tone
  • Improvement in skin pigmentation
  • Improvement in skin tightness and elasticity through new collagen formation
  • Reduction in sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, pores and scars
  • Removal of keloids, rhinophyma and other pathology with laser excision

The CO2 laser is the most effective of all skin resurfacing options. It’s the gold standard and top rung of the ladder of skin rejuvenation. As such, results with the CO2 laser are often the most significant. The CO2 laser works by removing or ablating the outer layer of damaged skin (epidermis) while heating the deeper layer (dermis). This can be done with a fully ablative technique, where 100% of the skin is treated, or a fractional technique, where microscopic columns of untreated skin aid in a faster recovery. This is most commonly performed under topical and local anesthesia with oral sedation. Recovery may take several weeks, and results with CO2 laser resurfacing at Columbus Facial Plastics can last up to five years or longer in some cases.


All CO2 laser procedures are performed by Dr. Nogan using the CO2RE laser system by Candela. This system allows for the treatment of both superficial and deep skin layers simultaneously with precision control over the intensity, pattern and depth of ablation. The CO2RE laser also allows for continuous laser energy to be delivered similar to a surgical incision for the removal of keloids, rhinophyma and other pathology.

Call today to learn more about CO2 laser resurfacing with the CO2RE laser system or to book your consultation with us. With so many aesthetic options to choose from in Columbus, Ohio, let Columbus Facial Plastics customize a treatment plan specific to your goals and expectations.



This procedure can be performed on specific areas of the face, including around the mouth, around the eyes, on the neck or across the entire face. We also occasionally use the CO2 laser elsewhere on the body. During treatment, the device is used to deliver controlled laser pulses to the treatment area to achieve the desired effect. The treatment takes 30-60 minutes and complete healing takes several weeks.


Because of the versatility of the CO2 laser using the CO2RE system, there are numerous indications for treatments including wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, texture and pigmentation issues, scarring from surgery or injury, burns, and skin looseness. Our skin loses collagen as we age and accumulates damage from the sun, our own genetic makeup, and many other environmental and health factors. CO2 laser resurfacing in Columbus, Ohio can help reverse some of these unwanted changes.


While all surgical and laser procedures carry some risk, CO2 laser treatments yield safe, predictable and effective outcomes in almost all cases. The factors that matter most when considering the risk of complications include the experience of the physician performing the procedure and the compliance with the pre and post treatment skin care. While side effects like redness, itching and swelling are common and expected, complications like infection, scarring and hypopigmentation are possible but exceedingly rare.




  1. You must report history of cold sores, skin infections, immunocompromised conditions and smoking to Dr. Nogan prior to scheduling your laser procedure. Each of these can negatively impact the healing period.
  2. Once scheduled, you will start tretinoin or retinaldehyde four weeks prior to laser treatment (if not already using)
  3. If history of (or prone to) hyperpigmentation, start hydroquinone 4% four weeks prior to treatment
  4. Daily sunscreen
  5. Daily moisturizer
  6. Continue other products in daily regimen if desired
  7. Stop tretinoin and other active ingredient skin products 3 days before laser treatment.
  8. No sun exposure four weeks before laser treatment
  9. Prescriptions provided before treatment:
    1. Valtrex 1 g BID for 7 days (start 3 days before laser treatment)
    2. Valium 5mg (2 tabs) – bring to laser appointment
    3. Prednisone 5mg (10 tabs)
    4. Keflex 500mg TID for 7 days (start day of laser treatment)
    5. Oxycodone 5mg (5 tabs) – bring to laser appointment
    6. OTC Tylenol and ibuprofen for discomfort


  1. The treated skin will feel warm for the first 1-2 days, and this sensation will be most significant in the first 1-2 hours after the procedure. Apply cold compresses as often as needed. Keep your head elevated, especially during sleep. Apply Vaseline (100% pure petroleum jelly) as often as needed to keep skin moist and protected. Do not wash the skin on the day of the laser treatment.
  2. Take medications as prescribed.
  3. You may use Tylenol or ibuprofen over the counter for discomfort. Use oxycodone if needed on the night of your laser treatment.
  4. Starting the day after the laser treatment, begin the following cleaning regimen:
    1. Wash hands thoroughly
    2. Clean the skin twice daily with Cetaphil Gentle Skin cleanser. Use cold or room temperature water, and gently pat dry.
    3. Begin vinegar soaks (1 teaspoon white vinegar in 8 oz of cold, distilled water). Dab this on the skin with a soft cloth or 4×4 gauze. This can be performed 4-5 times daily for discomfort and to aid the sloughing of skin.
    4. For severe itching or redness, you can apply steroid cream (triamcinolone 1%) twice daily for up to three days. You will apply this after the cleansing and vinegar soaks and before covering with a layer of Vaseline.
    5. After cleansing or vinegar soaks (and liberally throughout the day), apply a thin layer of Vaseline on the entire treated area. Spot treat with Vaseline as often as needed to ensure the skin is not dry or exposed until all skin has sloughed off.
  5. Continue this cleaning regimen until skin sloughing is complete (typically day 7-8)
  6. No picking, scratching, scrubbing or touching the treated skin during the healing process! This may induce scarring or permanent changes in the pigmentation of your skin.
  7. Do not put anything on the skin during the healing period other than what is listed above.
  8. Avoid direct sun exposure for 3 months. Mineral sunscreen with at least SPF 30 should be used daily once the healing process is complete.
  9. Do not resume use of any active skin products for four weeks.
  10. You may resume moisturizers, serums, etc sooner than four weeks, but only after discussion with Dr. Nogan.
  11. Mineral-based makeup can be applied after 7-10 days, assuming peeling is complete.
  12. Sleep hygiene is very important during healing. Sleep elevated (2-3 pillows) for the first week. Sleep on your back if possible. Use clean sheets and pillowcase, and avoid fabric softeners and other chemical ingredients.
  13. You may resume light exercise after 7-10 days, but no strenuous activity for 2-3 weeks.
  1. Drying of the skin and sun exposure can increase the risk of post-treatment hyperpigmentation, so they must be avoided!


Contact us today at Columbus Facial Plastics and schedule your consultation to learn more about Co2RE and CO2 resurfacing treatments. Dr. Stephen J. Nogan and his professional staff proudly serve you from Columbus, Ohio. We offer a comprehensive array of procedures to help you achieve your goals.