The aging process is natural, but you don’t have to live with the visible signs of aging. You can reverse the signs of aging with the right cosmetic injectables. At Columbus Facial Plastics at The Sullivan Centre in Columbus, OH, we offer two highly regarded anti-aging injectables, Botox and Juvederm. Today, we’re looking at which may be right for you.
Juvederm vs. Botox: Which One Is Right for You?
Juvederm and Botox may be administered separately or in conjunction with the other. When administered in the same session, they work harmoniously very well to treat different types of wrinkles. The latter is a single product with numerous applications, but it is primarily used to treat dynamic wrinkles in the upper face. Contrastingly, the former is a collection of dermal fillers.
Each formula in the collection is designed to target a different region of the face, but the fillers are most commonly used to improve the appearance of the lower face and midface. Regardless of whether the signs of aging are appearing on your upper face, lower face, or both, we have the ideal solution for you. During your initial consultation, we can let you know which injectables are appropriate for you.
Juvederm: The Ideal Solution for Volume Loss
Juvederm is a collection of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers designed to restore volume. An initial consultation will reveal whether your wrinkles are caused by volume loss and this injectable is right for you.
What Is This Injectable?
This line of dermal fillers comprises an artificial iteration of hyaluronic acid. This synthetic version of the essential polysaccharide is identical to the hyaluronic acid produced by your body. Hyaluronic acid plays many important roles throughout your body. In the foundational layer of your skin, volume is restored as the skin is plumped from the inside out. After your treatment, your contours are improved and your skin looks healthier and feels smoother.
How Does This Injectable Work?
These injectable fillers comprise a transparent crystal gel version of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid smooths your wrinkles away by adding an astonishing amount of volume to the treatment area. Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic chemical compound that attracts 1,000 times its weight in water and binds to it. This keeps the treated area moisturized, and the moisture in the area facilitates skin tightness and smoothness.
What Can This Injectable Treat?
This wide range of injectable dermal fillers can correct many regions of the face. It can fill in the hollows of the cheeks, recontour the cheekbones and tighten loose midface skin. Another formula can be used to make nasolabial folds and laugh lines things of the past.
Additionally, there is a formulation designed to recontour the chin, enhancing the profile drastically. Other formulas can be used to add subtle or dramatic volume to the lips and erase vertical lip lines forming around the mouth.
What Happens During the Injection Session?
Regardless of the formulation chosen, each dermal filler injection session is identical. First, your skin will be sanitized. Then, we will administer the filler into several strategic locations within your trouble regions. Depending on where your trouble areas are located, we may administer several formulas. Remember, each formula is ideal for a different region of the face.
Typically, we do not numb the skin before treatment. We offer dermal fillers that include lidocaine in the injectable formulas. Lidocaine is an injectable mild anesthetic. It starts to work within 15 seconds of injection, so you will only feel the first injection. If you want your skin to be numbed before the first injection, we can administer a topical anesthetic. That said, it takes several minutes for the numbing cream to take full effect.
How Long Does a Treatment Session Take?
Generally, you can expect your treatment session to be completed in 20 to 60 minutes. Your session should only take approximately 20 minutes to complete if you are only targeting one large area or two small areas for treatment. This does not include the time you may spend waiting for the effects of a topical numbing cream.
If you’re treating several areas, your treatment may take up to an hour to complete. Again, this does not take into account waiting for a topical anesthetic. Your session may take approximately 70 minutes to complete if you opt for skin numbing and have several areas you need to treat.
Is There Any Downtime Required After Treatment?
There is no downtime following this treatment. You may have to take a long lunch break to treat all of your problem areas in one session, but you are free to return to work or other obligations once your session is complete. That said, there are a few restrictions following your injection session.
For example, you should avoid excessive heat, sunlight, and exercise for three days after your treatment. Additionally, you should sleep on your back to avoid putting too much pressure on your face. On that note, you may apply makeup after your treatment, but you must be very careful to remove it gently.
How Quickly Does This Treatment Work?
Your skin will feel tighter and smoother immediately after your treatment session, and your skin will be volumized. Nevertheless, your skin health and appearance will continue to improve over the course of two weeks following your injections.
What Can I Expect From the Results?
As noted above, you can expect an immediate improvement in the tightness and smoothness of your skin. You should expect to feel more self-confident as soon as your session is over, but the drastic improvements to your contours and profile will not be apparent for the first several days following your session.
The specific results you can expect after your treatment depends on the severity of your cosmetic concerns, the dosage used and the formula used to treat your areas of concern. Remember, each dermal filler is designed to benefit different areas. We can give you a better idea of the results you can realistically expect during your initial consultation.
How Long Do the Results of This Treatment Last?
While the results of this treatment are not permanent, that is to be expected. Even invasive anti-aging procedures only provide results that last for five to 15 years. The longevity of your treatment results depends on numerous factors, including the severity of your cosmetic concerns, the dosage used and the formula used.
If you’re augmenting and recontouring your chin, your results will last roughly one year. If you’re augmenting and recontouring your cheeks, your ideal results will last approximately two years. Other treatment locations can remain improved for 18 months.
Botox: The Ideal Dynamic Wrinkle Treatment
Botox is one of the most popular anti-aging injectables on the market. As mentioned previously, it is usually used to target dynamic wrinkles on the upper portion of the face. That said, it can smooth away dynamic wrinkles on the midface and lower face, too. Regardless of where your dynamic wrinkles are, a single Botox session is enough to smooth away your wrinkles and look years younger.
What Is Botox?
Botox is an injectable muscle relaxant comprising a neurotoxic protein. Dynamic wrinkles are treated by relaxing the overactive muscles causing the wrinkles. The muscles are relaxed because the neurotoxic protein binds to some of the motor sensors in the treated muscles.
This partial block in communication results in muscles that contract when you want them to but don’t contract on their own. What’s really exciting about this injectable is it doesn’t just treat existing dynamic wrinkles. It also prevents new dynamic wrinkles from forming temporarily.
What Can This Injectable Treat?
As noted above, Botox can be injected into any part of the face experiencing dynamic wrinkles. Additionally, it can also be injected around the mouth to non-invasively augment the upper lip. Besides improving the appearance of the eyebrows, forehead and lips, Botox is also commonly used to erase crow’s feet that form around the corners of the eyes. Crow’s feet begin to form when the outer eye muscles are used, such as when smiling, squinting or laughing.
However, collagen and elastin production decreases significantly as you age. Your skin can’t bounce back like it used to be able to and temporary lines become permanent. Botox can relax your outer eye muscles and erase the longest, deepest crow’s feet. This will make you look years younger and feel more self-confident. Botox is the perfect anti-aging solution if dynamic lines on your upper face have become permanent and are affecting your self-confidence.
What Happens During the Injection Session?
Botox injections are extremely simple. We will prepare your skin for treatment before the injections begin. We will sanitize your skin and may apply a topical anesthetic. Once your skin is prepared for the injections, we will make five injections into strategic locations within the trouble area. Typically, sessions are completed in 10 to 20 minutes. After that, there is no downtime required and you may continue with your routine.
How Quickly Does This Treatment Work?
You will start to notice the results of this injectable muscle relaxant within one to two days of your treatment. That said, your results will continue to improve for many days. Many factors affect when you will see the final results of your treatment, but you can feel confident your final results will be realized within 10 to 14 days of your treatment session.
What Can I Expect From the Results?
As noted above, you can expect to see the final results of treatment within two weeks of your injection session. Individual results vary, but you can expect your dynamic wrinkles to be erased. We can give you a better idea about the results you can expect realistically during your initial consultation.
How Long Do the Results of This Treatment Last?
Although this treatment does not provide permanent results, the results last for many months. We can give you a better idea of how long your results should last during your initial consultation, but most clients enjoy ideal results that last between four and six months.
Notably, there are several guidelines you can follow to increase the longevity of your results. For instance, your results will last longer if you wear sunscreen diligently and refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol.
Restore Your Youthful Visage Today
If your wrinkles are caused by volume loss, Juvederm is right for you. On the other hand, Botox is right for you if you are concerned about dynamic wrinkles. If you have both types of wrinkles, both injectables may be administered during the same appointment. Book an appointment with Dr. Nogan at Columbus Facial Plastics at The Sullivan Centre in Columbus, OH today to find out which injectables will help you restore your youthful visage.