Video Highlights
01:04 – Tracey introduces herself
04:07 – How to prepare a caretaker to assist you following your surgery
07:35 – The biggest, most important thing that patients can do following an upper eyelid surgery is to ice the area;
Hi, I am Tracey Conforti, patient co-ordinator at the Sullivan Centre for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic surgery in Columbus, Ohio. Welcome to our video series on how to prepare a caretaker to assist you following your surgery. Today, we are going to talk about eyelid procedures; With the upper eyelid or upper blepharoplasty procedure, there’s really not a lot of after care that is required. Most of our patients, when the procedure starts, awake or under a local anaesthetic, are able to drive themselves to and from the procedure with no issues or no concerns. The biggest, most important thing that patients can do following an upper eyelid surgery is to ice the area. Dr. Sullivan will provide you with detailed instructions on how to ice the area, but really other than that, there’s no care required from anybody other than yourself.