Latisse is an eyedrop form of a glaucoma drug called bimatoprost. It was originally manufactured under the name Lumigan by Allergan the manufacturers of Botox and most wrinkle fillers. Latisse was FDA approved in 2001 and used to treat glaucoma. During treatments eye doctors and their glaucoma patients noticed the hair growth side effect of longer, thicker and darker lashes.
Is Latisse Safe?
The FDA says Latisse is safe and effective when appropriately prescribed and used as directed. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have eye infections or recent eye surgeries, you should not use this product. As with any prescriptive medication, there are side effects. The most common are itchy and red eyes or eyelids and the darkening on the skin on the upper eyelid. If you have any eye concerns, these should be discussed with Dr. Stephen Nogan prior to purchasing.
Will Latisse change my eye color?
In the original FDA trials for Lumigan (the glaucoma eye drop mentioned above) the incidence of hazel or light brown eyes turning darker was 1-2%. Note that these patients were applying the medication directly into the eye. With Latisse, you use an applicator to apply the medication onto the upper eyelid and not in the eye itself. Permanent dark eye color change is rare, and to date, there are no publicly available reports of eye color change.
How Is Latisse Applied?
Wash you face and remove contacts prior to using Latisse. Your kit comes with your product and a set of brushes- one for each eye for every day. The brushes are designed to only allow the right amount of product (about a drop). Apply nightly directly to the skin of the upper eyelid margin at the base of the eyelashes using the accompanying applicators. Blot any excess solution beyond the eyelid margin. Dispose of the applicator after one use. Repeat for the opposite eyelid margin using a new sterile applicator.
What happens when you stop using Latisse?
After a few weeks, your lashes will revert back to the state they were in prior to using the product.
A note on side effects and safety information:
Every Latisse kit contains a detailed instruction and contraindication leaflet. All patients are advised to read this information prior to using Latisse.
Schedule Your Consultation
Interested in learning more about options for longer eyelashes? Contact us today at 614-436-8888 at Columbus Facial Plastics and schedule a consultation. Dr. Stephen Nogan and his professional staff proudly serve you from Columbus, Ohio. Latisse is a perfect compliment to Microblading. The perfect eyelashes will match your best brows!